Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Victim of an Economic Crisis.

I knew it was bad when I got an e-mail inviting me to a brief chat in the boardroom before the eagerly anticipated strategy meeting. I looked through the list of other invitees............. Shit, better get shredding my paper trail of implication then.
It's undoubtedly for the best - there is no denying I was completely disinterested in all aspects of my job and had no desire to be there but, there's something horribly pedestrian about succumbing to the strains of an ailing economic climate. Better to exit stage right in a blaze of "gross misconduct" glory whilst shaking a fist that threatens a Tribunal claim than to scuttle out the back exit, a victim of redundancy. I read an article recently that one of the things you should do before you're 30 is to "quit a job you hate" and a large portion of my day was spent fantasising about how I would break the news.......
So here I am..... at the grand old age of 24 with a pocketful of dreams but no real direction, faced with the most glaringly ridiculous question one can anticipate when found in a similar situation...... "so, what are you going to do".
Well. I didn't know yesterday when I was gainfully employed, so how could I possibly know now?!
I've been sorely disappointed by the job boards as the opportunity to become a captain of industry is conspicuous in its absence and the thought of speaking to a recruitment consultant after the past 12 months of spreading lies and discontent amongst my own candidates is frankly too grim to contemplate.
I've thus made to bold move to return to education but doing applications is proving to be a draining endeavour.